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Exclusive Q&A with the excellent El Grando Beardo

El Grando Beardo I have been lucky enough this week to catch up with El Grando Beardo, a wrestler that has been brilliant for many years now, and currently wrestling regularly for EAW. This weekend, I will be at the EAW event in Woodston, and will enjoy cheering on and watching El Grando Beardo in action, and hoping to meet the great performer. Beardo has had his share of adversity in the last couple of years with injuries, but his physical, and mainly mental strength has allowed him to come back strong and be the excellent wrestler that we know today. Please don’t miss you chance to see the brilliant El Grando Beardo in action. He brings the pain, and is great to watch, and knows exactly have to destroy him opponent inside the ring. El Grando Beardo has been exceptional for EAW for years now and is only going to get better and better. The exceptional El Grando will continue to be a top talent, and is going to be a main feature for EAW, as he is going to be entering the EAW Rumble in Rushden on the 5th November from number 1. He will kick off the massive rumble match by entering first and fight Paul Malen, a man that El Grando Beardo put on an excellent show with last Sunday. Please support El Grando Beardo, on twitter, @ElGrandoBeardo. Please don’t forget to also drop us a follow, by going on twitter, and searching @__SportCentral (two underscores). 

Question 1 - Who inspired you to become a wrestler? Obvious guys like Flair, Austin and a big time Eddie fan but Mick Foley and Mark Henry are big inspirations. Foley was a big guy when he first started as Mankind but he could put on exciting matches. Mark Henry is somebody that has worked hard to improve his ability and his attitude and he's still with the WWE 2 decades in. His Hall of Pain run and the fake retirement was absolute gold. Question 2 - Who is the best wrestlers you have faced, and why? Paul Malen, Terry Isit, Nate, Brady Philips and Stealth. Terry and Nate are perfect opponents not only due to size and clash of styles but they know exactly how to feed off the crowd and put on a match that suits the show. I'm learning from Paul, he's done it for a long time and he's well respected. Brady and Stealth are top guys who are very supportive of me and always push me for more and to get better. Question 3 - You have had a brilliant career to date, but what is the dream for El Grando Beardo? To travel the world entertaining wrestling fans, meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds and hopefully stay injury free. Obviously a Wrestlemania or WWE Champion is a major dream but in 2017 it’s been proven that you don’t have to be in WWE to be successful or happy. 

Question 4 - What is a normal day/week in the life of El Grando Beardo? During the week I work a full time 7-5 job so the weekends are for shows. Then every Tuesday evening is training at the EAW academy where I work with a lot of the new trainees. I work out and rehab on my knee most nights in between catching up on wrestling. I read and cook to relax and get away from wrestling! Question 5 - What has been the hardest part of your career so far? Leaving Portugal with a non Wrestling related knee injury in 2015 and working through it for 2 years before surgery. I'd torn the thigh muscle right at the bottom and it had split and I had a swelling on the inside of my knee the size of a fist. Not only did it limit me in the ring, it impacted on my personal life as it was a constant issue with pain. I had the surgery this year but I felt it came at a time where I was on a roll but I'm back now and i feel better than ever. Question 6 - What has been the proudest moment in your career so far? The reaction to my comeback after surgery/losing my mask. It was a moment I'll never forget. The match was emotional and one of the best main event matches EAW has had, so to be a part of that and re-introduce Beardo to the world felt great. I'm fortunate to get asked to do Birthday parties, appearances, adverts etc and if I can make people smile, shout, cheer then I'm happy because I know I'm doing it right.

An excellent set of answers from the exceptional El Grando Beardo, please follow him on twitter and be sure to support him on his journey. A brilliant guy outside the ring, one I hope to meet on Saturday, and bring you more footage of him in action, potentially on our YouTube channel, should we meet El Grando. A massive thank you to El Grando Beardo for his time this week, a brilliant set of answers from an interesting gentleman of wrestling. The exceptional El Grando Beardo will be coming to an arena near you, so do not miss!  

Please don’t forget to follow us on twitter, @__SportCentral (two underscores).  

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