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An exclusive Q&A with Welsh talent Curtis Rhys

I was lucky enough to catch up a brilliant young Welsh fighter, Curtis Rhys. An up and coming talent that has serious hard chops and is just getting stronger and stronger. Curtis Rhys is strong and talented wrestler, he is going to be a massive name very soon, and will keep fighting not just all over Wales, but all of the UK. Each day Curtis Rhys is under the guidance of the excellent trainer Jezz Gardner he is improving. He wrestles in the ASPW Academy, set up in Swansea, South Wales, and they are going from strength to strength. Curtis Rhys is also a sponsored athlete, as he is sponsored by a brilliant company, COLLARxELBOW, that was set up by Al Snow, a legend of the business. They have very talented wrestlers under their name, but sure to check them out, on twitter, @COLLARxELBOW or on their website, A brilliant moment for Curtis Rhys will be when he teams alongside his trainer, the exceptional Jezz Gardner for a brand new brand, set to debut March 18th, 2018, Eternal Flames of Wrestling. A new South Wales based brand that SportCentral will be writing a preview to this event when the time comes round. Curtis Rhys will be teaming with Jezz Gardner against Gideon and Lugo Ray, known as Death Watch Militia. Jezz Gardner rightly called this match, the rise of Rhys! We will be seeing a lot of Curtis Rhys before then, and then even more after the EFOW event. Please make sure to follow Curtis Rhys on twitter, @WrestlingRhys as well as ourselves on twitter, @__SportCentral as well as on facebook, @SportCentral123.

Question 1 - Who was your biggest inspiration to become a wrestler? My biggest inspiration to become a wrestler would have to be Drew Galloway/McIntyre. The guy went from being fired by the WWE to pretty much the king of the independent circuit. He is a prime example of someone who busted their ass to keep doing what they love after being put in a position where most people would just give up. Question 2 - Who is the best wrestler that you have worked with and why? The best wrestler I have worked with would hands down be the man who trained me, “The Hybrid Theory” Jezz Gardner (@hybrid_theory85 on twitter). Not just because he trained me, but also because he listens to what ideas you have and allows you to incorporate them into a match in some way.

Question 3 - What advice would you give to a young person who would want to break into the business? Advice I would give someone who wants to break into the business is to not come into the wrestling world expecting fun and games. As although it can be fun, there is a difference between being a serious competitor and being a goofball fan who is just trying to live his childhood dream of wrestling. Question 4 - What is a normal day/week in the life of Curtis Rhys? A normal week for Curtis Rhys usually plays out similarly every day. Wake up, meal prep, college, gym, sleep. With the exception of the weekends where it is usually wake up, meal prep, gym, wrestling training, sleep. In my eyes you’re not gonna get anywhere by sitting on your ass doing nothing! Question 5 - You are at the start of what is going to be a brilliant career, for sure, but what is the dream? A lot of wrestlers dreams usually revolve around “main eventing Wrestlemania” or just “getting to the WWE” in general, but my personal dream is to just get to a level where I can do this for a living. To be able to travel the world meeting new people and seeing new places through wrestling would be ideal for me.

Question 6 - What has been the hardest part of your career so far? So far the hardest part of my career so far would have to be the start of my training 2 years ago. When I joined my first wrestling school I weighed 18 stone and didn’t have any muscle on me. But then through wrestling I was able to get motivated enough to join a gym, shed the weight and gain muscle to the point where I am now considered the athletic one among my friends and family. Question 7 - What is the proudest moment of your career so far? I would have to say that the proudest moment of my career so far is how far I’ve come in the two years I’ve been in the business. Even though I’m still training and now taking bookings in new companies I’ve already had the pleasure to work with so many great people, from WWE Hall of Famers to people like myself who are still trying to make a name for themselves in the business.

Please make sure to follow Curtis Rhys on twitter, @WrestlingRhys as well as ourselves on twitter, @__SportCentral as well as on facebook, @SportCentral123.

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