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An exclusive Q&A with the brilliant JK Roberts

Here is an exclusive Q&A with the brilliant JK Roberts. He is brilliant at what he does, he is all business in the ring and gets the crowd going, when he is on his own and we he is operating as part of, No More Heroes, the villainous faction. JK has overcome a lot of adversity in his career to get to this point, but today we see an amazing performer. In this article you will get to know JK Roberts, and soon hopefully you can all see him in action. JK Roberts is a seriously hard working athlete, and you must catch him in action, he is coming off an exceptional win from last Saturday, please be sure to follow and get in touch with the exceptional JK Roberts. He is an excellent performer, don't miss your chance to see him, we will be keeping you up to date with JK Roberts upcoming events as we are going to be doing a weekly article covering the whole of the independent circuit, please don't miss it, and give it your full support to keep the articles coming! Also, please make sure you check out Rockstar Media, a brilliant place to get any videos made, at a great price, specials in anything and a platform to show you talents. Be sure to check it out the current videos made my Rockstar Media. Please follow them on twitter, @RockstarMedia17. Please be sure to support to upcoming weekly articles summarising the whole of the British independent scene, and don't forget to follow us on twitter, @__SportCentral and of course you can now like us on Facebook, @SportCentral123.

Photo credit to the brilliant Adam Brackenbury. Follow him on twitter, @supernashwan and on Instagram @thesuperskill. 1, Who was your biggest inspiration to become a wrestler? My mum grew up in Florida in the 80s so wrestling was the thing to go and see, so growing up it was always on. If I had to pin it down to one individual, I would have to say Jeff Hardy. He really stuck out to me growing up, I always felt compelled to see what he would do next. 2, Who's the best wrestler you have worked with and why? A few years back I had he opportunity to wrestle Wild Boar. Now unfortunately it's not a match I'm particularly proud of as I was very new to the business and I was really struggling to be confident in the ring. I learnt so much from the feedback that I received from Boar and I was able to use it to better myself in the ring. I think I needed that experience to realise where I had been going wrong. 3, What advise would you give to somebody that's wants to break into the business? In all honesty, I myself am still trying to break into the business and get my name out there. If I was to say anything however, I would say, don't be afraid to be different and try new gimmicks or wrestling styles. The main piece of advice I would have is put yourself out there, offer to help at other promotions, be it setting up chairs, setting the ring up, selling tickets, anything to make connections in the business. 4, You've wrestled at many venues, but where is the best? I am slightly biased as Full House Wrestling has always been my home. We use The Queen Katherine Academy and it is a great venue, the acoustics are great and it can hold a high capacity of fans. 5, Who would be your dream match be against? Also, if you could team with anyone, who would that be? My dream match would be with AJ Styles. I feel like it's an obvious answer but I can honestly say that I've never been bored watching his matches. I feel like he brings the best out of whoever he works with and it would be an amazing learning experience from someone who has done it all. To be honest I think if I could team with anyone my answer would still be AJ for the same reasons. 6, What would be a normal day/week in your life be like? So in the week I work 8-5 in Quality Control for a chemical etching firm which I love. I'm in the gym 4 nights a week and I'm at the Full House Academy 3 hours a week. Weekends are normally reserved for wrestling shows but I'm partial to a bit of Lego building or gaming when I get the time. 7, A great career to date and only going to get better, but what is the dream? My dream would be to be able to make a living out of this. I feel like anyone who aspires to do this shares that dream. I would love to tour Japan, America, Mexico and just learn from wherever I go and be able to do this for as long as I can. 8, What's been the hardest part of your career so far? I do suffer from Chrons Disease which at times has effected my diet and training schedule but I try to not let that get in my way. I do my best to keep fit and eat right despite my condition. The way I see it, everyone has problems and there's no point letting them define you. 9, What is the proudest moment for you so far? The proudest moment for me was winning the Ascension championship at Full House Wrestling. I felt like I had moved up a stage in my journey and it gave me confidence in myself and my ability.

Photo credit to the brilliant Adam Brackenbury. Follow him on twitter, @supernashwan and on Instagram @thesuperskill. Here is an added part to get to know the brilliant and talented JK Roberts a bit better..... 1, Which three people would you want to be stuck on a desert Island with and why? For practically I think I would have to say Bear Grylls because my survival skills are non existent. I feel like Peter Dinklage would be great for conversation and general food for thought. Finally I would have to say my Fiancée. 2, If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing that you buy? A Wrestling Ring (Or A Unit To Store Said Wrestling Ring) 3, What series are you currently watching on Netflix? At the moment I am watching through Iron Fist. I'm a big Marvel and DC fan and I think the Marvel based Netflix shows are just amazing. 4, What would be the perfect day in the life of JK Roberts? It would most definitely start with a hearty breakfast. Followed by some Lego building. Maybe a Chinese for lunch. A wrestling show in the evening with a Mexican for dinner. To summarise, I rather like food... 5, How do you want to be remembered when you finish your wrestling career? Honestly, I'd just like to be known as the guy who gave it his best shot. Whether I make it or not, I'd hate to be known as the guy who didn't try his best and failed as a result. 6, What’s your most embarrassing moment, inside the ring or out? There's a few to choose from. In terms of wrestling I would say the time I knocked over a Christmas tree during an entrance last December is definitely up there. 7, What is your perfect Pizza? Pepperoni, bacon, ham and more pepperoni. You can't beat the pig pizza! 8, If you could have personally witnessed anything or been at any event, what would you have wanted to have seen? I would have loved to be on the set of the first Avengers film. I know there's has been so many important events in history like the moon landing and Martin Luther King's speech but I'm such a geek that honestly I couldn't think of anything better.

Photo credit to Ian Crabb. A really great set of questions from the brilliant JK Roberts, you've heard about him, you've got to know him, so now it's time to watch this brilliant performer. JK Roberts has been brilliant at Full House Wrestling, and is going to be brilliant on the independent wrestling scene, be sure to get in touch with us or with JK himself. Please don't forget to follow us on twitter, @__SportCentral and of course you can now like us on Facebook, @SportCentral123.

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