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Southside Wrestling Ill Manors Preview!

This show is going to be incredible, once again! Southside Wrestling is on top of it’s game, and has an incredible amount of talent, a passionate owner and loyal fans. On the 25th November 2017, they will roll into the Sheffield Corp, for the second show of the day, Ill Manors, 2017! The talent on show in Southside, is going to be exceptional, including Joseph Conners, hot off his WWE 205 Live television debut, the brilliant Bad Bones, Chris Ridgeway, Robbie X and of course, the whole of Team GBH! I can’t wait for this show, Ill Manors is going to be chaos, and an excellent show, please be sure to check it out, as Southside Wrestling rolls into Sheffield! The Sheffield Corp will be treated to an incredible show, as Southside Wrestling never disappoints! I will be attending the show and will be doing a full review of the show, this show is going to be massive, please be sure to check Southside Wrestling out. Be sure to check us out on twitter, by going to @__SportCentral, and we will have a lot of information leading up to the event, and the hype for the show. Please also check out, a fantastic new company, Rockstar Media, bringing you incredible videos and clips at brilliant prices, cheap and affordable. Please be sure to follow on twitter, @RockstarMedia17. •1. Tag Team Championship - Alex Gracie & Shanna vs. Joseph Conners & Martina 

Mixed tag team action in this one, that includes the excellent Alex Gracie and of course, a man that’s spent most of November wrestling for the WWE on their UK tour. Alex Gracie will have a lot of confidence going into this one, especially because he has international talent in his corner, the highly rated and exceptional athlete, Shanna! They will form an alliance that the whole the Southside locker room, in both divisions will want to take note of! The excellent Alex Gracie is going to be in action, teaming with Shanna, and will be up for this match against a very tough opponent in, Martina and of course, Joseph Conners ! Alex Gracie is a brilliant wrestler himself, also from Nottingham, will hope to hit Conners with the ‘Fall from Gracie’, and pick up a win for his team. Alex Gracie is an excellent wrestler, and will be a dangerous man in this match as well as for Southside Wrestling the future! He does however, have international talent in his corner, as he teams with this lady… Shanna! Shanna is coming from Portugal, a highly rated performer, and one that can have a massive impact in this match. I am sure she will have no issue with challenging Joseph Conners and standing toe to toe with him. She has wrestled all around Europe and in Japan, just proving what an incredible international talent she is. Shanna is going to be dangerous in this match, one to watch! How good is Joseph Conners? Joseph Conners goes into this match, hot off the back of his WWE 205 Live debut, as he has been wrestling with the best of the best, in the entire world! A massive achievement for the brilliant Joseph Conners. No matter what he has done before hand, though, Joseph Conners will focus his full attention on this match and will had one thing in his mind, winning this match! Joseph Conners is one of the very best, not just in Southside, but in the whole of UK, and being part of the WWE, will be an amazing string to Joseph Conners’ bow! He is a machine in the ring, and his match against the Lucha Brothers, while teaming with El Ligero, was phenomenal. Joseph Conners is one of the best and will be a major factor in this match! Joseph Conners’ tag team partner will be Martina, coming from Dublin, Ireland. Martina has been travelling round Europe, and has had an incredible 2017, and is going to want it to get better this November in Sheffield, when she hopes, she and Joseph Conners, can overcome Gracie and Shanna to win this huge tag team encounter. This is going to be an excellent match, are you ready? •2. Adam Maxted vs. Bram 

This match is going to be great, when Southside Wrestling rolls into Sheffield this weekend! Two of the biggest men in Southside! It isn’t often you see someone just as big and strong as Adam ‘Flex’ Maxted in the ring, but his opponent at Ill Manors, is just as big and powerful. This is going to be an interesting battle! Adam Maxted, is a popular wrestler, well known and well liked amongst the wrestling community and further, having been a contestant on 2017’s Love Island! Despite his TV performances, when Adam Maxted gets into the ring, he is all business. Which man is the more powerful? Who will reign supreme? Bram, is a man that is also used to the cameras, but that is for being a part of WWE NXT and also TNA! He has been in storylines and been in the ring with the best of the best, and is going to be ready for this match with Adam Maxted at Ill Manors! Bram has wrestled the best, and is himself, one of the best the UK has. •3. Bad Bones vs. Chris Ridgeway 

Chris Ridgeway is back in Southside Wrestling this weekend, and he has the take of Bad Bones to take on at Sheffield Corp. Chris RIdgeway is a brilliant wrestler, and will be ready for the challenge of Bad Bones! He looks and wrestles like a champion, and I feel like championship gold is just round the corner for him in Southside Wrestling. First, he must tackle the challenge of Bad Bones! This will be a bone crunching match. Who will come out on top? The German brawler, Bad Bones is going to be in his usual brutal self. He is a bone crunching, hard hitting wrestler, and is going to be dangerous in this contest. He is going to be one to watch in Sheffield, the excellent German has won championships all around Europe! •4. (Three Way Tag Team Match) - CCK (Chris Brookes & Kid Lykos) vs. GHB (Damian Dunne & Kip Sabian) vs. Scarlet And Graves (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) 

A three way tag team match is going to be full of chaos. An excellent dynamic in this one, and I can see it blowing the roof off the venue! It will be off the chain, and one that is going to be exciting to match! CCK are an excellent tag team, and they are coming to Southside this weekend. CCK is a combination of the brilliant Chris Brooks, and the excellent, and mysterious, masked Kid Lykos and they are going to be up the chaos that is on the menu for this one! Chris Brooks, the brawler from Dudley will be up for this one, alongside his tag team partner, Kid Lykos from Cambridgeshire. They will be aware of the threat posed by the rest of Team GBH, but they will thrive in this chaotic match! CCK have been in Southside Wrestling beforehand, when they had a match with the British Invasion at Raw Deal 6 in March 2017. In that match, CCK were up against one tag team, but at Ill Manors, they are up against two, adding a new dynamic. After a great performance at Southside 7th Anniversary Show, Team GBH are going to be ready to get back in action, and will want to win! Damian Dunne and Kip Sabian, will be the two representing Team GBH. Two of the UK’s best and brightest, Kip Sabian and Damian Dunne are excellent, and will hope to have the edge in this one. The American team, of Scarlet And Graves are coming to Sheffield! Dezmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz, both from Dayton, Ohio are coming to Southside Wrestling and will hope to return to the states victorious. The two men have been wrestling for Impact Wrestling in America, mostly notably known for being TNA, and GFW, but they will be fully focussed on winning this weekend in this chaotic match! This match is a brilliant dynamic and you can bet that it will get crazy. Make sure you check out this match, it will be a very good one! •5. Robbie X vs. Brady Phillips 

This is a match, I am looking forward to, between two of Southside’s best and brightest. Two of the stars of Southside Wrestling, Robbie X and Brady Phillips, who will be looking to pick up a win to step up the ladder. They will want to pick up a win and gain momentum that will take them on towards championship shot! Robbie X is a brilliant wrestler, part of Team GBH, and he went to hell and back, and not only lived to tell the tale, but actually won the match, at Southside 7th Anniversary Show. Robbie X had a Full Metal Mayhem match, with the monster Abyss. Robbie X was awesome during the match, he is a real talent, and future star of the UK Wrestling scene. During his match, Robbie X picked up the win with help from Team GBH team mates, and love it, or hate it, it’s an all too real factor to consider in this match with Brady Phillips. Robbie X is cunning and tactical, and will have a gameplan going into this one. He knows it will be a tough match with Brady Phillips, but this is going to be a great one! The excellent Brady Phillips is one of the best up and comers, Southside and the United Kingdom has to offer. He is one of the stars of the future, but he will want to future to start in Sheffield this weekend. Brady Phillips, truly is Britain's Best Kept Secret, and he has it all, the look and the talent to one of Britain's top stars, it is just a matter of time! He is going to have to conquer Robbie X at Southside Wrestling Ill Manors. Brady Phillips is brilliant at what he does, he is fantastic, and this is going to be an awesome match! I am looking forward to this match on the show, it will be excellent! •6. Kasey Owens, Kay Lee Ray & Sammii Jayne vs. Lana Austin, Saraya Knight & Sienna 

This match will be chaos, and it has every of boiling over and get out of hand! It has some serious talent on show, and of course, with the Queen of the Ring tournament just hours before the event, we don’t know at this stage, who will take the momentum through to this match with them, but we will soon find out. This year, Lana Austin has said that she wants to be the Queen of Southside, and at the 7th Anniversary Show, she did just that, winning a brutal fatal four way to be crowned champion! Lana Austin is one of the serious talents on show in this clash. She has had an incredible year, and will go into Saturday as the Queen of Southside, and rightly so. Lana Austin has a lot of talent in her corner. She has… Saraya Knight, the most experienced wrestler, in not just the match, but the show. Saraya Knight has an awesome wrestler, really talented, and is the mother of WWE’s Paige, not that Saraya needs an introduction. She will have competed in many 6 women tag team matches, so she may give her team the edge for that reason. The third member of their team is international talent. Sienna is coming in from Detroit, Michigan for this incredible show. She has been dominant in America and Canada and will be up for this massive contest between 6 of the best. Sienna is talented. The opposition is, Kasey Owens, Kay Lee Ray and of course, Sammii Jayne! Kasey Owens is from Belfast, Northern Ireland, and win many years experience, and she has been brilliant. Owens is an excellent wrestler is going to key in this match! She has been fighting and dominating all round the UK, and tonight, she teams with two of Scotland’s best! One of the prides of Scotland, is Sammii Jayne, a key member of this team of three. The fighter from Glasgow, Scotland is going to be up for it, and aggressive from the start. Sammii Jayne has been brilliant in 2017, and will hope to continue a good year at Ill Manors 2017. Her final tag team partner, is going to be the one, and the only….KAY LEE RAY. Kay Lee Ray is an exceptional wrestler, and in my opinion, one of the very best, not just in the UK, but in the whole of world. It may seem a bold statement, but Kay Lee Ray can back it up. Seriously talented and one of the rising stars, and is going to be one of the most dominant forces in the Southside Wrestling women’s division. Kay Lee Ray possess real talent, and will potentially be the deciding factor in this match, and will be ready for what is going to be a chaotic and exciting match! •7. Blake vs. Chris Tyler 

Two of Southside’s very best collide in singles action, as the power house, the beast, Blake collides with the incredible Chris Tyler. This is going to be an awesome match, with two of the very best going head to head. Blake was a stand out at Southside Wrestling’s, 7th Anniversary Show, having had a big night, being a star in the 5 on 5 elimination match, and of course, ending the show on Blake removing the brilliant HC Dyer from the 7 man match, and taking him backstage! Questions will still be asked about the whereabouts and the wellbeing of HC Dyer! Blake is a bone crunching, hard hitting beast. He always brings the pain and is a hard hitting wrestler, that will be dominant in Southside Wrestling for years to come! Blake has some of the most devastating slams in Southside, and being part of Team GBH, could definitely have a bearing on how this match can end, it will be something on the mind of Chris Tyler. Can the bone crunching, hard hitting Blake, overcome the talented, exceptional Chris Tyler? Chris Tyler is brilliant, technically, his athletic ability and the power that he shows. Last time out in Southside Wrestling, Tyler was in an amazing match with Stevie Boy, and despite the result, he was exceptional. Tyler is excellent, and is a star, he has been involved with the WWE when they have come to the UK, and is going to be a massive star of the business, for many years to come! As Tyler says when he hits his lethal, devastating finishing move, he says, ain’t no stoppin me, no...and this Saturday, that could be the case, but he knows Blake will be tough. This will be an epic encounter, between two of the very best in Southside, and one I am personally looking forward to. This match could go either way, it is going to be brilliant! •8. El Phantasmo vs. Gabriel Kidd 

On Saturday, Gabriel Kidd, one of Southside's shinning stars, is going to be facing the Canadian born, El Phantasmo at Ill Manors 2017. Gabriel Kidd is an exciting talent that is going to take over the UK, he is an exceptional talent. He was the sole survivor is Southside Wrestling's 7th Anniversary Show, 5 on 5 elimination match, and picked up a massive win for Team House of Pain. He is an incredible talent, with an amazing future ahead of him. He is strong, powerful and quick and will hope to use all of these assets against a Canadian star El Phantasmo. This is going to be a huge match for Gabriel Kidd, a man who is seriously talented, he is excellent at what he does. Can the young and hungry, Gabriel Kidd, overcome the experienced El Phantasmo? El Phantasmo is a Candian star, he has wrestled all over the world, and brings a great deal of experience to this match. Having wrestled all around the globe, this may give him an advantage going into this match, but he is against the fantastic Gabriel Kidd. It is El Phantasmo's debut in Southside Wrestling, and he is going to be looking forward to getting going in Sheffield. This is going to be another awesome match, at Southside Wrestling, Ill Manors 2017. Ian  

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